45 Days (Covid-19)

April, 24th, 2020. It’s now day 45 of my lockdown. COVID-19 in Sicily has been, so far, not particularly deadly. As of today, in my region, 2.926 positive cases and 213 deaths. Comparing to other regions in Italy, such as …

Touch Ground (2009-2014)

Nel 2013 circa 42.000 migranti hanno sfidato il mare per raggiungere l’Italia e l’Europa, soprattutto attraverso la Sicilia e nelle sue isole minori. Svariate migliaia di persone hanno fatto lo stesso percorso negli anni precedenti. In Touch Ground ho fotografato …

The MUOS issue

Electromagnetic pollution is subtle: nobody actually sees or perceives it but there is early evidence there may be a link between EMF exposures and autism, affecting our DNA and jeopardizing the health of future generations. In Niscemi (Sicily) within a …