Spectrum è una nuova iniziativa editoriale partorita dalla vulcanica fucina di Enzo Grabriele Leanza che, con passione e determinazione, ha messo su quello che lui definisce “bookzine”, ma che, anche per la qualità editoriale del progetto, si annuncia come una …
International Photography Awards – One-Shot:Climate Change
My Photographs from the work “Refinery Flock” has been awarded at the One-Shot:Climate Change competition in “Air” professional category.
Refinery Flocks on Dodho Magazine
Dodho Magazine published today my work Refinery Flocks.
Dopo 5 anni: una serata all’ACAF
Martedì 10 dicembre, dopo cinque anni, sarò di nuovo ospite dell’ACAF a Catania. Durante la serata, dalle 21 circa, farò un excursus delle mia fotografie. Se sei a Catania puoi partecipare all’incontro: le riunioni dell’ACAF sono aperte a tutti. “Dentro e Attraverso” …
Galleria L’Arte Club, Catania: Video, recensioni
Just published a short video and some comments on the exhibition in Catania. Comunicati Exibart Undo Tribart Dopo aver presentato di recente diverse mostre in Belgio, Stati Uniti e Francia, Massimo Cristaldi torna nella sua Catania. Fotografo di fama internazionale, …
Catania, Italia – Fotografie: 2006-2011
Invitation After the latest exhibitions in Belgium, USA and France it’s a pleasure to invite you to my upcoming exhibition in the city where I was born, Catania. The exhibition, curated by Pippo Pappalardo, will start with a vernissage on …
Black and White Spider Awards 2010 (6th annual)
The Black an White Spider Awards has just announced it’s results. I had a nomination in the Silhouette – Professional category with Refinery Flocks.
Interview for Agence Révélateur
During my last show in Paris Olivier Bourgoin and Benoît Boucherot put together this video wich features interviews and some sequences of the vernissage event. I wish to thank Olivier and Benoît for the great work in conceiving and realizing …
Attractions on Le Figaro
Le Figaro has published an article on the Attractions exhibition.
Attractions on Chasseur D’Images
Chasseur D’Images publishes on number 331, currently available across Europe, an article on the exhibition currently ongoing in Paris. Download the PDF here >