Three Brides Calendar Published on “La Sicilia”
La Sicilia, major regional newspaper, has published on January, 5th 2007, an article on the Three Brides Calendar. You can read it here
La Sicilia, principale quotidiano regionale, ha pubblicato il 5 Gennario 2007, un articolo sul Calendario delle tre spose di Gela. E’possibile leggerlo qui .
Venice International Photo Contest 2006
I was awarded with a silver medal for the picture “Cancale Lighthouse ” at the Venice International Photo Contest 2006. Another B&W shot, “Le Mont Saint Michel “, has been Accepted for Printing. The special category were I got the medal was named “Regards Sur La France”.
The Pdf of the Award Winning page is available here.
My shots on has dedicated some pages to a selection of my shots, writing an ispired small resume of my photography work. I wish to thank Fortunato Caragliano e Wendy Wonnacott for giving me this opportunity, and gladly report here the text of the resume. ha dedicato alcune pagine ad una selezione dei miei scatti, scrivendo una piccola ma ispirata recensione sul mio lavoro . Ringrazio Fortunato Caragliano e Wendy Wonnacott per avermi dato questa opportunità.Di fianco il testo della loro recensione.
Etna Ignites on
Le foto della serie Etna Ignites sono state pubblicate da su questo link.
Photos on Etna Eruption, Etna Ignites, have been published by here.
My photos (and an article written together with Enzo Giannotta) have been published on, the most important moto magazine in Italy. Leggi tutto