Steve Jobs

A tribute to Steve Jobs trough this wonderful shot by Doug Menuez while “you were momentarily dreaming up something “insanely great””

More on Social Networking

Some days ago Joerg Colberg published an interesting article on Social Networking. I emailed him my January piece on the subject and he posted it back on his blog. Looks like we share a general common vision on the subject.

A Moment in Time

On behalf of the New York Times photography blog Lens, I would like to invite you and your colleagues to join us in a global project called A Moment in Time. Thousands of photographers of all experience levels will be …

Su “Bloggare”, “Twittare”, “Tumblare”

Nell’ultimo periodo ho fatto alcune riflessioni sull’utilizzo del blogging o del twittering e della loro importanza per chi fa fotografia. Su questo tema si sono espressi in tanti (un link qui a titolo d’esempio), riconoscendo al social networking, un ruolo …