I’ve been awarded at Imatoria – 21st century temples with two images belonging to Simulacra.
Los Angeles, USA – MOPLA: Fresh Fairs (23-25 Aprile 2010)
La Giuria di FRESH FAIRS, ha selezionato i miei lavori che saranno i mostra da questa sera a giorno 25 Aprile. Fresh Fairs, organizzata nell’ambito del Mese della Fotografia di Los Angeles (MOPLA) è un nuovo modo di interazione tra …
Lucie Foundation E-pprentice Mentor Program
Sono stato selezionato, assieme ad altri 8 fotografi, per l’edizione inaugurale del programma E-pprentice Mentor curato dalla Lucie Foundation. Il programma consiste nell’affiancare ad un talento emergente un mentore affermato per la durata di circa sei mesi. Il programma …
Black & White Spider Awards 2009
The 5th edition of the B&W Spider Awards has published it’s results. I had a nomination in the People category with the photograph “Choices”.
New Visions, Center for Fine Art Photography, 2010
Refinery Triptych è stato selezionato dal “Center for Fine Art Photography” per la mostra New Vision. La mostra, curata da Michael Itkoff, editor di Daylight Magazine, comprende 50 lavori selezionati su 1200 proposte di questa call for entries. La mostra …
International Photography Awards 2009
[lang_all] [/lang_all] [lang_en] My project Simulacra was awarded with an honourable mentions at the International Photography Awards 2009. Official Press release follows: International Photography Awards Announces winners of the 2009 Competition. Massimo Cristaldi of Italy was awarded Honorable mention in …
WINNER OF PX3 – Prix de la Photographie Paris 2009
WINNER OF PX3, Prix de la Photographie Paris Massimo Cristaldi of Italy was Awarded Second Prize in the PX3 2009 Competition. Paris, FrancePrix de la Photographie Paris (Px3) announces winners of PX3 2009 competition. Massimo Cristaldi of Italy was Awarded …
Premio Celeste – Dependtendency 2009
[lang_it] Ground Zero è stata selezionata (unica fotografia) per “Dependtendency“, una mostra speciale di 10 opere che si terrà nel parco dell’isola della Certosa di Venezia, dal 4 al 7 giugno 2009, durante la 53° Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte Biennale di …
Photography Masters Cup, International Color Awards 2008
[lang_en] The International Color Awards has just announced the list of winning and honorable mention photographers at the Photography Masters Cup. I’m glad to communicate that my photograph “Nobody Believes You!”, part of the “A Men’s world” project has been …
Travel Photographers of the Year 2008
[lang_en] The Travel Photographer of the Year contest has announced the list of winning, special mentioned and shortlisted photographers. I’m glad to communicate that my photograph “Ground Zero“, part of the Impressions of NYC project, won the Travel Photographer of …