Suspended è stato pubblicato su Lensculture.
La Quatrieme Image: alcune foto della fiera
With 18.310 visitors this year La Quatrieme Image 2015 has reached it’s record so far in terms of visitors. Here some snapshots:
La Forza Delle Rovine: some articles on the exhibition
There are a number of articles that have been published by major Italian newspapers on the exhibition currently going on in Palazzo Altemps in Rome. Here is a small collection.
La Forza delle Rovine: alcune foto del vernissage
La Forza delle Rovine opened in Rome on October 7th. Here some snapshots of the opening, and a first coverage of the exhibition mostly focused on the first section, “Catastrophes: modern and contemporary ruins” where my photograph is displayed.
La Quatrieme Image 2015
I’ll be participating, with a dedicated stand, to La Quatrieme Image, starting on Oct 27th in Paris at l’Espace des Blancs Manteaux and finishing on November 1st. At the fair I’ll be presenting works belonging to “Suspended“. Pieces from my …
Artisti di Sicilia: video e fotografie
Here a gallery of some photographs and a small video shot yesterday during the Vernissage of the Catania edition of “Artisti di Sicilia”, curated by Vittorio Sgarbi, where I have a photograph from Suspended in exhibition.
Artisti di Sicilia – Catania, 17-01 16-03 2015
One of my works belonging to “Suspended” will be in exhibition in a big show, dedicated to Sicilian born artists, called Artisti di Sicilia, curated by Vittorio Sgarbi. The vernissage will be in the beautiful Castel Ursino in Catania on …