Venezia, ITALY – Depentendency

[lang_it] Ground Zero è stato esposto dal 4 al 7 Giugno a Venezia, nell’ambito della mostra collettiva “Depentendency” organizzata dal Premio Celeste.
Il lavoro, unica fotografia, è stato scelto tra 700 candidati da una giuria composta da MARK GISBOURNE, ADRIENNE GÖHLER AND VICTORIA LU con la seguente motivazione:

The powerful aspect of Massimo Cristaldi’s ‘Ground Zero’ photograph, in one of retained mystery, telling of the site post-disaster, and doubling an extraordinary mental sense of composure, that is in simply compositional terms and in a more far reaching sense meditatively.

Il luogo era davvero suggestivo. 10 piccole casette in mattoni all’ isola della Certosa, nei depositi originali delle munizioni dell’armeria storica. L’isola della Certosa è situata di fronte all’entrata dell’ Arsenale.
[/lang_it] [lang_en] Ground Zero has been exhibited from June 4th to 7th in Venezia, within the collective exhibition organized by Celeste Prize named “Depentendency” .
The work, only photograph, has been selected between 700 candidates by a jury composed by MARK GISBOURNE, ADRIENNE GÖHLER AND VICTORIA LU with the following motivation:

The powerful aspect of Massimo Cristaldi’s ‘Ground Zero’ photograph, in one of retained mystery, telling of the site post-disaster, and doubling an extraordinary mental sense of composure, that is in simply compositional terms and in a more far reaching sense meditatively.

The location of the exhibition was really remarkable. 10 small bricks houses, in the park of the island of Certosa, the historic armory used in the pas as munitions storage depots. Isola della Certosa is a small island right in front of the Arsenale gates.
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