Refinery Again (2008)

[lang_it] La Natura si adatta. Lo ha mostrato molte volte anche in tempi recenti. Grandi catastrofi, come sversamento di petrolo in mare, non hanno avuto, in alcuni casi, alcuni degli esiti drammatici previsti, per la straordinaria capacità resilienti dei sistemi …

Oculus Asini (2008)

[lang_en] Oculus Asini (Donkey’s Eye) Donkeys. Ignorants? Clumsy. Not well done horses? Biblical. Accommodating. Irremovable. Enduring? Intimate. With a look that wraps, between open fields and trenches, our being free, and, in the same time, prisoners. 24×17 inches / 60×40 …

Final Cut (2008)

[lang_en] There is a cruel representation of Death, of death already happened but still present. A representation where flesh, in its physical attributes, and the act of dismember it, even if done routinely, is still meaningful. That’s perhaps why blood …

Falconara (2008)

[lang_it] Falconara è una spiaggia sulla costa meridionale della Sicilia. Questa serie prende lo spunto da un po’ di suggestione derivante dalla lettura delle osservazioni di Rosalind Krauss su Timothy O’Sullivan: “Un occhio del XIX secolo riconosceva nell’originale di O’Sullivan …

Istanbul Flipbook

I spent New Year Eve in Istanbul. I was really well impressed from by city and by the kindness of the people there. Lot of shots, of course, and the wish to experiment an interesting merge between music and photographs. …

The Altar (2008)

[lang_en] There is a small, remote altar along Sicily coastline. It is a place where devotion and religiosity mix with women dreams. A place where magical things may happen where images of the past can merge with hopes for the …

Etna Breath (2006-2011)

[lang_en] Living under a Volcano has some clear advantages. One of them is the possibility to hear its breath. [/lang_en] [lang_it] Vivere sotto un vulcano ha alcuni vantaggi. Tra di essi la possibilità di sentirlo respirare. [/lang_it] Some of the …

The Other America (2007)

[lang_en] America is sometimes different from certain stereotypes we, as Europeans, are used to see. Abandoned places, old cars in beautiful natural contests. Out of metropolitan areas America has different color and produces different vibrations. Other colors, other feeling, the …