Birmingham, UK – Ground Zero @ Focus on Imaging 2009

Massimo Cristaldi Fotografie, Mostre Lascia un Commento

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[/lang_all] [lang_en] Ground Zero is on display in BIRMINGHAM (UK) from 22 to 25 FEB 2009 at the Focus on Imaging 2009. FOCUS ON IMAGING is Europe’s biggest annual imaging show, covering professionals needs from image capture through to output and beyond. Professional Photographer has dedicated a special feature to the event. You can read it online here.
Together with the other winners the exhibition is hosted in a dedicated stand that Harman Technologies has devoted to the Travel Photographer of the Year international award. Around 60 prints featuring the winning images from the most recent TPOTY awards are displayed.
[/lang_en] [lang_it] Ground Zero è in mostra a Birmingham (UK) dal 22 al 25 febbraio alla fiera Focus on Imaging 2009. Focus on Imaging è una delle fiere più importanti del settore in Europa. Professional Photographer dedicata uno speciale a Focus che è visibile qui. Insieme agli altri vincitori la mostra è ospitata in un padiglione dedicato che la Harman Technologies ha offerto a Travel Photographer of the Year, insieme ad altre 60 immagini circa.

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