Lucie Foundation E-pprentice Mentor Program


Sono stato selezionato, assieme ad altri 8 fotografi, per l’edizione inaugurale del programma E-pprentice Mentor curato dalla Lucie Foundation. Il programma consiste nell’affiancare ad un talento emergente un mentore affermato per la durata di circa sei mesi.  Il programma è iniziato a Febbraio e posso dire che è davvero una esperienza stimolante. Segue un estratto dalla press release:


The Lucie Foundation announces the first round of participants for E-pprentice, a new and exciting electronic mentorship that uses technology to bridge the physical distance between emerging and professional photographers. Through the program, “mentees” receive criticism and guidance from their mentors who are leaders and innovators of the photography industry. This modern
mentorship utilizes instant messaging and video chat programs to allow critique and discussions to occur.

The “mentees” were selected through an international, online, submissions process.
Those selected from the large pool of impressive candidates showed a solid technical
grasp and submitted a series of images that displayed a consistent aesthetic and sound
concept. The Lucie Foundation has paired each with a mentor that shares a similar
aesthetic and established this program to further expound on a specific tier of the mission
statement, which is to discover and cultivate emerging talent.

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